Monday, September 30, 2019
Nine Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs Essay
1. Motivation Entrepreneurs are enthusiastic, optimistic and future-oriented. They believe they’ll be successful and are willing to risk their resources in pursuit of profit. They have high energy levels and are sometimes impatient. They are always thinking about their business and how to increase their market share. Are you self-motivated enough to do this, and can you stay motivated for extended periods of time? Can you bounce back in the face of challenges? 2. Creativity and Persuasiveness Successful entrepreneurs have the creative capacity to recognize and pursue opportunities. They possess strong selling skills and are both persuasive and persistent. Are you willing to promote your business tirelessly and look for new ways to get the word out about your product or service? 3. Versatility Company workers can usually rely on a staff or colleagues to provide service or support. As an entrepreneur, you’ll typically start out as a â€Å"solopreneur,†meaning you will be on your own for a while. You may not have the luxury of hiring a support staff initially. Therefore, you will end up wearing several different hats, including secretary, bookkeeper and so on. You need to be mentally prepared to take on all these tasks at the beginning. Can you do that? 4. Superb Business Skills Entrepreneurs are naturally capable of setting up the internal systems, procedures and processes necessary to operate a business. They are focused on cash flow, sales and revenue at all times. Successful entrepreneurs rely on their business skills, know-how and contacts. Evaluate your current talents and professional network. Will your skills, contacts and experience readily transfer to the business idea you want to pursue? 5. Risk Tolerance Launching any entrepreneurial venture is risky. Are you willing to assume that risk? You can reduce your risk by thoroughly researching your business concept, industry and market. You can also test your concept on a small scale. Can you get a letter of intent from prospective customers to purchase? If so, do you think customers would actually go through with their transaction? 6. Drive As an entrepreneur, you are in the driver’s seat, so you must be proactive in your approaches to everything. Are you a doer  someone willing to take the reins  or would you rather someone else do things for you? 7. Vision One of your responsibilities as founder and head of your company is deciding where your business should go. That requires vision. Without it, your boat will be lost at sea. Are you the type of person who looks ahead and can see the big picture? 8. Flexibility and Open-Mindedness While entrepreneurs need a steadfast vision and direction, they will face a lot of unknowns. You will need to be ready to tweak any initial plans and strategies. New and better ways of doing things may come along as well. Can you be open-minded and flexible in the face of change? 9. Decisiveness As an entrepreneur, you won’t have room for procrastination or indecision. Not only will these traits stall progress, but they can also cause you to miss crucial opportunities that could move you toward success. Can you make decisions quickly and seize the moment?
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Healthy Grief Essay
Grieving is a natural part of life. Everyone grieves at some point in their lives, whether it’s the loss of a beloved 1st pet fish or a loss of a loved one’s life, everyone grieves differently and everyone requires different approaches during the grieving process. This paper will describe the various stages of grief and what to expect with each stage. This paper will also compare and contrast the grieving process as defined by Kubler-Ross, the story of Job while incorporating the Catholic religion. The interaction between joy and the Kubler-Ross model will also be described. In the book of Job, Job is presented as a wealthy, righteous man living somewhere between 2000-1000 B.C. Job suddenly experiences the loss of his family, his possessions, and his health. Job relies on his friends to provide him with comfort. Each stage of grief according to Kubler-Ross is seen within the story of Job. The first stage, denial, is noticed when Job denies the severity of his medical condition. Job’s anger, which is the second stage of grief, is expressed in 7:11-15 â€Å"Therefore I will not keep silent; I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul†. When Job had learned of the death of his 10 children, he tore his clothes and shaved his head in anger. The third stage of grief, which is also known as the bargaining stage, is expressed when Job starts to bargain with God in 9:33-34 â€Å"If only there were someone to arbitrate between us, to lay his hand upon us both, someone to remove God’s rod from me, so that his terror would frighten me no more†. Depression, which is the fourth stage of grief is apparent in 10:18 â€Å"Why then did you bring me out of the womb? I wish I had died before any eye saw me†. Job wishes that he had never have been born so he wouldn’t have to endure the grief and loss which he is experiencing. Acceptance, which is the final stage of grief, is reached after Job stated in (13:15) â€Å"Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.†This versus is a very powerful versus as it is a reminder to be kind and helpful to others although others may not demonstrate these actions. The Kulber-Ross theory of grief, designed in 1969 by Elisabeth Kubler is most commonly known as the five stages of grief. The five stages of grief represent the stages that on experiences while undergoing grief or similar life events. Ross created this model is describe the stages of grief for people undergoing terminal illness; however, this model can be used for various forms of significant loss such as divorce, loss of job, natural disaster, or loss of a loved one. The first stage describes a temporary state of disbelief called denial. During the denial stage, an individual shuts out actuality and denies anything bad is really happening. The second stage of grief is called bargaining. Bargaining is when an individual realizes that the denial cannot continue and begins to come to terms with reality. The person may become anger and question why is this happening. People may become angry with themselves, loved one, or others. The third stage is of grief is the bargaining stage. During this stage, patients tend to wish that they can postpone or delay their illness or death. People display their spirituality in great detail during this phase. They beg for a higher power to undo their loss and make things better again. It’s during the fourth stage that patients tend to feel depressed about their impending situation. The person begins to disconnect himself/herself of life, love, and affection. Most grieving occurs during this stage after the person realizes that their demise is becoming more inevitable. The last and final stage of grief is known as the acceptance stage. It is during this stage that the person has come to terms with their prognosis and feel as if they can reengage in their daily lives again. People of the Catholic religion, much like most people incorporate the five stages of grief into their lives unnoticeably in times of tragedy. Catholics also experience the most painful form of life, which is losing a loved one. Catholics deny the event, they become angry, they attempt to bargain, they feel depressed, and over time, they learn to accept. Much like Job is thousands and thousands of years ago. My own personal way to grieving is probably much different than the average person. When a loved one dies, I feel sad, but I do not display sadness nor do I cry. Instead, I celebrate them. I celebrate their life and encourage others to do the same. You would have never of guessed I had just lost my Mom when she passed away a few years ago. Instead of enduring the five stages of grief, I bypass the first four stages and fell into the acceptance stage. I accepted that she was too sick to be here on Earth and her passing was actually a beautiful moment at which I no longer saw the pain and struggle in her eyes. I am confident that she felt a sense of relief as well. After researching the stages of grief, the writer of this paper is more aware of the process that is needed to people to spirituality be able to heal after a significant event. During the grief process, people experience many emotions, which is clearly defined in the five stages of grief. To acknowledge that Job encountered grief many, many years ago in the exact same way people do now in modern age is reassuring and comforting. Upon completing research of grief, the information learned has not changed by view of grief; however it has made me more aware of the various ways that people react to grief.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Prevention is better than cure Essay
Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. The rising costs of health care have become an issue for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the state health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment. First of all, many kinds of diseases are preventable and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could prevent catching a cold if they dress warmly and get good rest when the weather first gets cold in the winter. But many people get sick because they fail to do so and have to spend much more money seeing a doctor. Another case in point is cancer, the leading cause of death in the world. But lung cancer, liver cancer and many other kinds of cancer could all be effectively prevented if people take measures for their health in an early stage. Small t hings such as smoking less or eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients took measures for early cancer prevention. In addition, health education also plays a key role in improving people’s health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it. However, emphasizing on disease prevention is not downplaying the significance of medical treatment. After all, prevention and treatment are just two different means toward the same goal.
Friday, September 27, 2019
A research paper on the summary and analysis of a website made about Essay
A research paper on the summary and analysis of a website made about alumni athletes and where they are now. You will also have - Essay Example Since a Podcast comprises of a series of digital media files, which could be in the form of audio as well as video, released in a sequential format (episode-wise) and thus downloaded via the web syndication mechanisms. It is often represented as webcast in certain instances. On the whole, the website was done in a separate fashion, where we decided to set up the wordpress page through a dedicated account. As it was very hard for the group members to get in communication with one another and that too in the physical sense of the word, the only mode of communication that was possible remained in the form of Skype or through exchange of e-mails. The URL for this website is Brendan, a member of the team designed the wordpress website while I was instrumental at writing the ‘About us’ and the Bryant Alumni Achievements sections for the Bryant Alumni Athletes website. I also undertook measures to upload the interview of Yohan Sachdev, which will be done soon. As regards to working with Podcast is related, I believe that it is much easier as compared to direct download, or even streamed webcasting. The audio and video files remain available on the distributor’s server in the form of a web feed where the listener or user makes use of the client application software (the podcatcher) which gets the access to this web feed. Therefore this medium can work hand in hand with how audio and video files are put up on the server and later retrieved through this server itself. The thing that lacks within Podcasting is that it lacks the proper incorporation of the new and emerging technologies which are being introduced every now and then. We had to face a good amount of communication challenges during our research and putting together of the website was concerned. We were hard done by at asking the university alumni athletes to come together at a single platform as they lived and worked far off. We also tried our leve ls best to call them through Skype but the problem was that we could not record calls made on Skype. The potential of Podcasting is immense because it delivers the Internet content in a real time media transmission format. However, this has been upgraded with the passage of time in a netcast fashion. This is so done because the word Podcast must not get diluted with the advent of the iPod in this day and age. Without a doubt, the potential that Podcasts offer is immense and it should be cashed upon websites like ours. The need for Podcasts is rampant because it helps similar websites likes ours to maintain audio and video streams so that these could be retrieved at a later date. The need is also there because phonecasting has come of age and so has the dictum of community Podcasts. This has brought a lot of success for the people who are behind coining the same technological manifestations. Podcasts are coming of age now and hence their need is being ascertained more and more with t he passage of time. This has made the people realize of the immense significance that Podcasts do have over the other media forms which are being propagated across the Internet and on varied forms of the media. The value addition of Podcasts is that they can get attached to any website and not just our own wordpress website. Also the links are there for sharing across a number of platforms in an easy way. I am of the opinion that Podcasts bring in value and real time media t
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Project Sponsorship and Leadership Research Paper
Project Sponsorship and Leadership - Research Paper Example Invigilation means the keeping watch over an individual with a sole purpose of preventing him or her from committing a fraud or crime (Singleton, 2010). The difference between interrogation and interviewing is that whereas suspects undergo interrogation witnesses are interviewed in order to gather relevant information. The other difference is that interviewing is done in a friendly environment whereas interrogation is conducted in a tense and uncomfortable environment which compels the suspect to give full truth he or she knows concerning a particular case. In addition interrogation is an art to be learnt but interviewing is not an art. In a fraud documents can be altered through modification, replacement of figure or other characters in order to change the particular script to convey different information. Alteration can also be done by crossing of characters in a voucher or any other document in order to deceive any reader of a particular document (Singleton, 2010). Hiding of assets can be in form of stashing cash in safes within residential homes, it can be in the form of giving extra payments to the creditors, reporting of less income especially on taxes due and buying of items that do not attract much attention. The forensic examiners and the accountant’s cal obtain needed data from the back-up database of particular information in case the hard copy has been destroyed or the soft copy hacked (Singleton, 2010). One of the benefits of strong interviewing and interrogating is that the interviewee and suspect are compelled to give the required facts within a short –span of time. The other advantage is that quality information is given to the interrogator and interviewer. The interviews involving frauds in financial statements and tax returns are handled differently because they involve huge amounts of cash and they are usually of hi-tech nature. Interviews c on be done on phone, through the virtual system especially when the interviewer and
Science Fiction Genre Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Science Fiction Genre - Movie Review Example With the advancements in genetic engineering there is a possibility of human beings becoming super humans. We have seen mutant characters like Wolverine, Professor Xavier, Jean Grey, etc., of the famous animated series 'X-Men' in comics or television but within a century or two they are going to become a reality and one day as it was depicted in the comics' humans and mutants may fight with each other for their rights. Since there is always insecurity among the countries worldwide genetic engineering is going to be their ultimate weapon against the enemies. Welcome to the world of science fiction that seems to be realistic but in reality it's only a fiction that takes reader or viewer into an imaginary world. Based on these science fiction stories movies are made, and the producers invest millions of dollars and willing to take any financial risk to make the movie a big hit. Terminator trilogy and Blade runner are some of the movies that fall into this science fiction category. These movies are made with huge investments from the producers to make the movies a box office hit in every possible way. Almost every science fiction movie is an action-oriented thriller and lots of killing and other kind of bloodshed scenes is shot and picturised. Terminator trilogy and Blade runner are no exception. They are totally action packed movies with lots of fighting and killing. Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines comprises Terminator trilogy. Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day was written and directed by James Cameron. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines was directed by Jonathan Mostow. Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in 20 years in making this trilogy. The trilogy is about saving John Connor who becomes the future leader of human resistence forces against the machines. The movie Terminator revolves around the character named Sarah Connor who would become mother of John Connor. This movie is about saving Sarah Connor. The above poster is from Terminator movie, in which the cyborg played by Arnold Schwarzenegger is holding a pistol. The above poster gives a message to the viewers of being stylish and looking cool and making a fashion statement. Making a fashion statement is not at all inappropriate but the way in which it was photographed was unacceptable. Young adults and especially children are easily attracted when they see their favorite stars in these photographs. To imitate their favorite actors they act like the stars by holding toy pistols and playing with them. Thus from young age itself unknowingly we were engaging a relationship between children and arms. Generally movies are made to have a positive impact on the society and make them think how they can improve the living standards of normal human being. In this movie the character Sarah Connor was being relentlessy being hunted down by a killing machine that kills every women in the town who share Connor's name. In one of the scenes adesk seargent doesn't allow the cyborg (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to see Sarah, after the cyborg says his famous phrase "I'll be back" comes back to the seargent in a car and crushes him to death. When scenes like these are shown how come any could see a science
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Current Issues in Health Care Administration Article
Current Issues in Health Care Administration - Article Example In this regard there are reforms which are currently being instituted aiming to extend the coverage to more than 30 million uninsured U.S. residents through a huge expansion of Medicaid and establish new federal health insurance premium subsidies. In Kansas City, there are primary health care facilities from more than 20 hospitals providing over 5,000 beds covered by 435 congressional districts. The article specifically outlined how the congressional districts categorized businesses in Kansas City who would avail of the health reforms. The distinguishing characteristic is the size of the business depending on the number of employees and wages. The following chart will clearly illustrate the proposed reform: In addition, the districts were subdivided according to the local representatives who govern them. The following table illustrates the number of residents covered, number of businesses eligible for tax credits and exchanges. Whatever controversies or skepticism that this plan might face, it is important to realize that America’s health care system needs to be immediately rehabilitated to better address the needs of the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Literature Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Literature Analysis - Assignment Example Hierarchical organizations that need a focused approach for task completion appealed to a leadership style that was more authoritarian in nature where as an organization with the same demographics needing to explore/brainstorm new ideas, required less restriction. Existence of different leadership styles is an indicator of possible differences in effectiveness of the styles in different organizational environments or differences in leader’s traits to facilitate effectiveness of a leadership style. Almansour (2012) sought to investigate relationship between leadership approach and leaders’ effectiveness, with focus on the leaders’ level of motivation. This was based on the hypothesis that leaders’ performance is an indicator of their level of motivation. The author applied an exploratory approach on existing literature on the relationship, approach that offers sufficient data for an in-depth analysis of a subject matter. The research method is however limited to reliability and validity of the applied literature, which may also be difficult to ascertain. The author identifies three leadership styles that are explored. Transformational leadership is the first style, is associated with change and influence, and has fo ur fundamental factors. Idealized influence is one of the factors and defines a mentorship role to followers. The factor also attracts trust and respect on leaders and these empower leaders towards effectiveness, and ensure that followers are obedient to the leader’s directions. Intellectual stimulation is another of the author’s reported factors and defines ability to promote creativity and innovation among followers through improving people’s rationale and ability to solve problems. Transformational leaders are also inspirational, improving followers commitment to objectives, and considerate to ensure utility in both followers and the subject organization. These factors therefore identify
Monday, September 23, 2019
Metal Detectors Create a Hostile Learning Environment Research Paper
Metal Detectors Create a Hostile Learning Environment - Research Paper Example This report declares that the writer of â€Å"Metal Detectors Create a Hostile Learning Environment†begins by painting a vivid picture of a school security check conducted by police officers in Wadleigh high school and which is archetypical of what has become common practice in New York schools. They come in the morning and install metal detectors through which all students must pass before entering the school and cause about 3 hours of class time to be lost. This way he builds up argument that the security precautions are disruptive and hostile to learners. He is able to defend this through the description of the rough treatment the students receive at the hands of the police. Ideally, a school is supposed to have a culture of its own known and understood by the teachers and students. This paper makes a conclusion that the writer describes how the police totally disrupt the school program and cause nearly a third of the learners to miss at least a class. They carried out this swoop without prior notice yet according to a press release by New York City mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; Posters should be prominently displayed to notify students and the school community of any searches scheduled in their school well in advance. The writer argues that these searches expose the learners to unnecessary invasion when he states, â€Å"Officers selected some students for additional scanning with handheld metal detectors, requiring them to lean against a table or wall, spread their legs, hold their arms out, and lift each foot to be wanded†.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Reversals in “Ethan Frome†by Edith Wharton Essay Example for Free
Reversals in â€Å"Ethan Frome†by Edith Wharton Essay In Edith Wharton’s novel Ethan Frome, the lives of the characters are turned upside down but not in a sense that they are able to escape from the state are in. It’s more like the physical wellness of the characters and their social place within their microcosm is the one that is reversed rather than them, having totally opposite lives. Not much changes, except that Zeena’s health improves dramatically and Mattie becomes the one who needs medical attention. Ethan on the other hand is still with his wife, miserable and poor. Ethan Frome, as the title suggests is the story about Ethan, a farmer who has to attend to his sickly wife, Zeena. The couple is helped by Mattie, Zeena’s cousin. Ethan is intensely attracted to Mattie but he is duty bound to serve his wife. Zeena is suspicious for Mattie has been living with them for over a year and she has sensed the mutual attraction that Ethan and Mattie have. In defiance to the betrayal going on in her house, Zeena hires a different helper. Ethan of course, objects but in the end, he still obeys his wife. Before Mattie is able to leave town for good, she suggests that they commit suicide by sleighing directly on the path of an elm tree. Unfortunately for them, the â€Å"smash-up†doesn’t prove to be fatal because of Ethan’s hesitation before the impact. The failed suicide attempt causes Mattie to be paralyzed and Ethan almost suffering the same fate. Before the smash-up, Ethan was already in a position that is very similar to where he is at the end of the novel. If anything, he’s even in a poorer state than where he was before. As described by the condition of the house, â€Å"Even for that part of the country the kitchen was a poor-looking place†(Wharton, 1911, p. 63). It means that the reversal that happened to Ethan, isn’t exactly a reversal. He comes full circle, after having high hopes and dreams for a new life with Mattie, he ends up where he started, in that poor house with his wife. The reversal (and return trip) that would happen to Ethan is foreshadowed in Chapter IV; Ethan passes by a graveyard where his ancestors are buried. He sees on the epitaph his name, â€Å"Sacred to the memory of Ethan Frome and Endurance his wife, who dwelled together in peace for fifty years†(Wharton, 1911, p.27). Ethan wonders whether the same words would be place on his Epitaph. The real reversals that happen in the story are with Zeena and Matie. These two cousins would change roles by the end of the novel. Before the smash-up, Zeena was the sickly person that is being tended to by her husband and her cousin Mattie. But in the span of twenty years or so, Zeena would recover from her illness and she would end up to be the one who â€Å"takes care†of Mattie, or at least let her live in the house. Mattie would end up paralyzed after their mishap, or failed suicide attempt about twenty years ago. Now she is the one who needs to be taken care of. Before the smash-up Mattie was a perfectly healthy and beautiful woman, Ethan is not the only one who had eyes for her as evidenced by Eady’s invitations toward her during the opening chapters of the novel. But after the smash-up, she is reduced to be nothing more than a body on an armchair, unable to move with the freedom that she had in the past â€Å"Under her shapeless dress her body kept its limp immobility†(Wharton, 1911, p. 63). The smash-up had caused reversals in the novel, Ethan’s hopes of being with Mattie for the last time is crushed along with Mattie’s spine. Mattie who used to be a healthy and beautiful woman becomes a motionless body. Zeena on the other hand, before the smash-up was a sickly person, but twenty years after the incident, she is revealed to have recovered from her illness. Reference Wharton, E. (1911). Ethan Frome. New York: Scribner’s Publishing.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Waiting Times in Out-patient Department (OPD)
Waiting Times in Out-patient Department (OPD) REVIEW OF LITERATURE The review of literature on waiting time in OPD setting is presented under following headings 1) Waiting time in hospitals 2) Patient satisfaction about waiting time and service availed in hospitals Waiting time in the hospitals VijayaBharat et al, 2011 conducted a cross sectional study to compute the waiting time in a crowded out-patient department (OPD) of the Cardiology section of Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur. The results shows that the mean waiting time was 58.6 minutes for each patients and 8.7% of the patients were seen within 30 minutes of their arrival in the hospital. The study recommended that in order to reduce overcrowding of patients, the type of cases, their contact time and the frequency of visits needed to be identified. Efficiency was improved by increasing the availability of doctors and introduction of practice guidelines. Rafat Mohebbifar et al (2013) conducted a descriptive study in an educational and learning hospitals affiliated to the University of Ghazvin, Iran to analyse the outpatient waiting time in different hospital clinics. They reported an average waiting time of 161 minutes for a patient. The study recorded longest average waiting time 245 minutes in ophthalmology clinics. In the same study, least average waiting time (77 minutes) was recorded in orthopaedics clinics. Sumeet Singh et al 2013 conducted a cross sectional study in a tertiary care medical college hospital in Punjab, North India to assess the patients satisfaction regarding patient care, and it shows that time interval between admission and commencement of treatment was more than half an hour in 13% cases. Majority of the respondents find difficult to locate the labs and time taken to reach the labs. Almost 71% of cases takes about 10-30 min and more than half an hour in 7 % of the cases, with problem in locating the labs were 27 %. 2) Patient satisfaction level about waiting time for the service availed in hospitals In tertiary hospital setting the highest priority given to the best health care facility to the patients. Patients Satisfaction plays a major role in improving health services and it also helps in identifying the flaws and pons in a health care system. Fekadu Aseefa, et al 2011 conducted a study to assess the patient’s satisfaction with health services at territory hospital in Ethiopia. In this study the findings shows that the way doctor’s services were 82.7% compared with overall satisfaction which was only 77% with the other services waiting time. In contrast dissatisfaction were 46.9 % reported who spend time to see a doctor. Waiting time in hospitals imparts a major role in the patient satisfaction who seek health access. Sarkar J et al 2011 conducted a cross sectional study among outpatients in a peripheral government teaching hospital and about satisfaction level with respect to hospital service and noted that majority of the patients were satisfied in consultation room(53.5%), doctor patient communication (51.0%), and overall satisfaction were (59.9%). The place for waiting area and time (38.6%) was found to be the unsatisfied. Bilkish N. P, Shelke SC et al 2012 conducted a cross-sectional study of towards services received at tertiary care hospital on OPD basis and found out that for consultation patients had to wait less than 30 min. 91% of the out patients were satisfied with OPD timings. 77% patients were satisfied with explanation of treatment by pharmacist. Anand D ,KaushalSK et al 2012 , conducted a cross sectional study which among patients and respondents attending outpatients departments of primary, secondary, and territory health facilities of Agra to evaluate the level of satisfaction of patients visiting health facilities and found that level of satisfaction was high with signboards display, courtesy and respect given by doctors. Overall time duration given by doctors, skills of doctors, effectiveness of health service in solving problems. Satisfaction was found to be comparatively low level concerning with the timings of OPD, registration system, waiting time for consultation, comfort and cleanliness of service area, waiting area and overall time duration given by doctors and behaviour of supporting staffs. However at secondary and territory level major causes found were inadequate OPD timings, mismanaged registration procedure and longer waiting time to seek consultation. Krupal Joshi et al 2103, conducted a cross sectional study on patients who visit the outpatient department in a civil hospital at Gujarat and it found that 68% study participates opinioned that arrival to hospital and consultation by physician was too long. In pharmacy service almost all the patients was found to be satisfactory in availing drugs. Nirmalya Manna et al 2013 conducted a cross sectional study on patient satisfaction among outpatients in a hospital at West Bengal. As per the study good satisfaction was showed with respect to doctor services, laboratory services and with the pharmacy Arvind Sharma1 et al 2014 conducted a cross-sectional study which was carried out among patients attending outpatient department of tertiary care hospital, MadyaPradesh to assess the patient satisfaction regarding the services provided in outpatient departments. Majority of the patients were satisfied with availability of services, professional care, waiting time, behaviour of consultant, nurses, paramedical staff and other staff. With regard to waiting time, getting OPD slip has high satisfaction level along with time to reach consultation room. Half of the respondents are satisfied with the getting medicine from pharmacy department. Most of the patients told that 56% of consultants take less than 5 min. for examination and 34% take 5- 15 min. A study was done by Clifford Bluestein et al 2014 to analyse the impact of waiting time on patient satisfaction scores. The results shows that there is an association between longer waiting time and patient satisfaction are negatively associated. The longer waiting time for availing services have negative impact on patient satisfaction and confidence on care providers. KS Prasanna et al 2015 conducted a cross sectional study on the Outpatient Department of a medical college at Mangalore regarding the services provided in the OPD. The study focussed were in terms of clinical care, availability of services, waiting time. It is found that mean time required for consultation was 46.5 Â ± 20.9 min. Clinical care was found to be more satisfied by the respondent. Dissatisfaction were mostly reported with the waiting time in pharmacy for receiving drugs But when the time spent in pharmacy was analysed, it was considered that it was not significantly satisfactory. Ranjeeta Kumari, MZ Idris et al 2015, conducted a study among all the modern health facilities of Lucknow district at the tertiary level, secondary level, and the primary level. Its main objective is to determine the areas of dissatisfaction among the patients and suggest methods for improvement. Average waiting time in a territory hospital were 30 min. Accessibility of service was another concern for 42% patients.64%reported satisfied with duration of staying OPD, regarding signboard 46.6% reported as satisfied.
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