Thursday, November 28, 2019
The effectiveness of the transformation of the Desert Scene from text to screen Essay Example
The effectiveness of the transformation of the Desert Scene from text to screen Essay Baz Luhrmann has used many very effective film techniques in transforming the Mantua scene from text to screen. Through the choice of specific setting, music and camera techniques, he has emphasised the role of fate and haste in the lovers tragedy. The setting of Mantua in a barren, desert environment reinforces the isolation of Romeos banishment. With the harsh, unrelenting sun engulfing the scene with a strong orange light, it provides a stark contrast to earlier scenes where the love between Romeo and Juliet blossomed. The desert is a sterile environment, where in the absence of water, life ceases to exist. Baz Luhrmann has effectively employed the visual juxtaposition of water and desert to convey Romeos isolation. Even the caravans, a temporary residence, are situated far apart. But the desert does not only convey a literal setting, it is also symbolic of Romeos emotional desert. Without Juliet, Romeos life is barren and sterile. This metaphorical setting highlights the depth and true love between Romeo and Juliet. Romeos love for Juliet is not an infatuation, but rather having known her, his life becomes meaningless without her. We see Romeo writing in his isolation, and his emotions are clearly conveyed through the use of voice-over monologue. Him half mouthing the words makes what he is writing more natural and realistic. Yet the words themselves are ominous and foreshadowing death, where Romeo dreamt that he had died and yet been revived by Juliet. These innocent dreams are so close to the truth that it builds up tension in the film. Music and sound effects play a vital role in conveying emotions and affecting how audiences react to visual images. Baz Luhrmann uses music in the scene to further highlight Romeos isolation and build up tension. We will write a custom essay sample on The effectiveness of the transformation of the Desert Scene from text to screen specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The effectiveness of the transformation of the Desert Scene from text to screen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The effectiveness of the transformation of the Desert Scene from text to screen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The scene begins with Romeos theme music, a haunting, single-note melody. The music reverberates around the empty desert to emphasis the isolation. This music also takes the audience back to when we were first introduced to Romeo, in a similar melancholy mood as an unrequited lover. We come to associate this music with loneliness, despair and rejection. The music intensifies to a crescendo as another character, Balthasar, approaches the scene. It builds up to a climax for the fateful news, yet the scene is silent as Romeo receives the misinformed news. The silence allows Romeo to absorb the revelations, yet the audience is drawn into the action with this dramatic irony and we watch in anguish at the consequences of Balthasars mistake. The music changes again near the end of the scene, where it becomes a throbbing, relentless pulse. The strong beat forewarns of the actions that are going to take place, and builds up tension in the audience. The scene begins with the camera slowly sweeping across the desert and the next shot is a close-up focus on Romeos face. This close-up shot is very important as it reveals many small details. We are able to clearly identify with Romeos emotions, but more importantly, we are reminded by the scar and ring of dominating issues in the film. The scar is a remnant of Romeos fight with Tybalt and symbolises the violence and hatred in Verona. Violence and social decay is one of the main ideas explored by Baz Luhrmann in the film and the scar shows that even in isolation, Romeo can never completely escape from the realities of Verona society. This violence is further reinforced by the fleeting image of Romeo reaching for his gun as he sees the approaching car. Violence is so predominant and there is such mistrust in the society that weapons are used without a thought. The other important element seen in this close-up shot is the chain around Romeos neck, given to him by Juliet with her crucifix and her wedding ring. This reminds us of their love and Romeos connection with Juliet even in banishment. Yet this image is ironic in that once again, there is the juxtaposition of opposites, where the chain symbolises the love between Romeo and Juliet, but the scar, symbolic of the hatred between the families, forbids and restrains this love. This image relates to the foundations of the tragedy, where love is forbidden because of the feud. There is a dramatic change in mood as Romeo is told of the terrible news, and the camera reflects this with a high-angle shot of Romeo collapsed on the ground. This angle from above emphasises his vulnerability and despair. He is pushed to the lowest and as his body is silhouetted against the setting sun, Romeo faces a life of hopelessness without Juliet. The long angle shot afterwards show Romeo and Balthasar as tiny figures in a vast expanse of desert and lead to the idea of fate in the tragedy. It seems almost as if Romeo is overpowered by external forces, a small puppet on a large stage where he has no control over events. The central idea of fate is further reinforced by Romeo treading over the urgent telegram. The audience sees clearly how close the film was to a happy ending and fate is encapsulated by the final dramatic irony, where the mailman watches Romeo speeding off in haste, moments too late. The terrible timing of events show haste to also be a deciding factor in the chain of events, with the first shot of Balthasar overtaking the mail-van in his haste to reach Romeo and ending with Romeo speeding off, leaving the consequential telegram behind. Baz Luhrmanns has very successfully conveyed the ideas in the Shakespearean text through the use of effective film techniques. His choice of a desert environment, use of camera angles and music reinforces the role of fate and haste in the tragedy and reminds us that the juxtaposition of love and violence is never far away.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
T4A(OAS) Tax Slips for Canadian Income Tax Returns
T4A(OAS) Tax Slips for Canadian Income Tax Returns A Canadian T4A(OAS) tax slip, or Statement of Old Age Security, is issued by Service Canada to tell you and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) how much old age security income you received during a tax year and the amount of income tax that was deducted. Deadline for T4A(OAS) Tax Slips T4A(OAS) tax slips must be issued by the last day of February the year after the calendar year to which the T4A(OAS) tax slips apply. Sample T4A(OAS) Tax Slip This sample T4A(OAS) tax slip from the CRA site shows what a T4A(OAS) tax slip looks like. For more information on what is included in each box on the T4A(OAS) tax slip and how to deal with it when filing your income tax return, click on the box number in the pull-down menu above the sample T4A(OAS) tax slip. Filing T4A(OAS) Tax Slips With Your Income Tax Return When you file a paper income tax return, include copies of each of the T4A(OAS) tax slips you receive. If you file your income tax return using NETFILE or EFILE, keep copies of your T4A(OAS) tax slips with your records for six years in case the CRA asks to see them. Missing T4A(OAS) Tax Slips If you do not receive your T4A(OAS) tax slip, contact Service Canada at 1-800-277-9914 during regular business hours. You will be asked for your Social Insurance Number. Even if you havent received your T4A(OAS) tax slip, file your income tax return by the deadline anyway to avoid penalties for filing your income taxes late. Calculate your OAS income and any related deductions and credits you can claim as closely as you can using any information you have. Include a note saying what you have done to get a copy of the missing T4A(OAS) tax slip. Include copies of any statements and information you used in calculating the income and deductions for the missing T4A(OAS) tax slip. Viewing and Printing T4(OAS) Tax Slips Online If you wish to view and print your T4(OAS) tax slips online, you can make arrangements through the My Service Canada Account. For detailed information, see the following Service Canada pages: Get Your Tax Information Slips Online, andTax Information Slips in My Service Canada Account. Other T4 Tax Information Slips Other T4 tax information slips include: T4- Statement of Remuneration PaidT4A- Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other IncomeT4A(P)- Statement of Canada Pension Plan BenefitsT4E- Statement of Employment Insurance and Other BenefitsT4RIF- Statement of Income From a Registered Retirement Income FundT4RSP- Statement of RRSP Income
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Readings are from Robert Nozick's The Examined Life Essay
Readings are from Robert Nozick's The Examined Life - Essay Example The philosopher offers to two of lives with the same amount of happiness. The first (A) slopes upwards with an increasingly amount of happiness as the individual ages while the second (B) slopes downwards with a decreasingly amount of happiness as the individual ages. In this case, Nozick is of the opinion that most people would prefer (A) over (B) despite the fact that all have an equal amount of happiness. Nozick asserts that (A) lives with the expectation of better things and more happiness in the future while (B) lives with the memories of the past happiness though his happiness continues to decline with age. Nozick concludes that human beings want happiness to have direction and contours as they age this is because people expect good things in the future (Nozick 86). In the second thought experiment of the experiment machine, Nozick demonstrates that pleasure does not lead to happiness. Nozick questions whether human beings would be willing to be hooked up in technology advances whereby virtual reality machines would allow them feel any experience they wish. According to his experiment, people would not be willing to remain in the machine since it is not real and lacks connection with reality matters such as growing. These feelings of experiment machine would only be false evaluations. According to Nozick, people can be happy for seeing numerous things realized such as World Peace thus feelings are directed connected to individual values that are realized such as academic success (Nozick 99). Happiness is a state of consciousness rather than illusions. Nozick focuses on the reality principle by asserting that happiness is seeing that something has been accomplished. Happiness is focusing at one moment in life that your life is better like what people feel when taking a walk. The third form is focusing on the whole life through reflection on the standard of life that an individual hoped to live. Happiness will entail emotions on events such as friendâ€℠¢s promotion in the workplace. Happiness is based on individual evaluations and beliefs concerning the future, the world, and prospects of success based on standards of expectations. Happiness is more than an emotional response (Nozick 102). Nozick demonstrates this using direction of happiness and experience machine. People would start their life unhappy but end it happy. People desire to live a meaningful life and undergo real experiences in their lives. For a person still hooked up to the experiment machine, being happy would not be the same as having a meaningful life. Living a meaningful life will entail having a positive effect on the surrounding people like family members and society. For one to have a meaningful life, repeated good experiences must be balanced with negative experiences. If people lived in the experiment machine, they would never have any opportunity to grow or establish any meaningful relationships with others. According to Nozick, experiment machine would e nable the individual to have the life desires and pleasures they wish but they would incur some costs since they would need to sacrifice their physical bodies in order to enter in the imaginative world that is reality. Nozick states that human beings should not use such machines since they are capable of living a meaningful life, but the machines destroy the idea of self as well as the ability to establish relationships with others (Nozick 101). Nozick advocates assert that human beings are
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case Analysis (Continued 2) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case Analysis (Continued 2) - Essay Example So, in the remainder of the present segment, we shall attempt to determine Otis’s position on the Global Integration / Local Responsiveness Grid to determine the extent of the veracity of the statement. So, it is evident that Otis in Russia is influenced both by global as well as local factors. Thus, from this perspective, the notion of Otis being solely Russian does not hold. It is true that local factors play an important role, but the impact of global integration factors is not insignificant enough to validate the statement. However, if we consider the facts that the Russian operation is self financed with all employees and traditions being Russian, along with the strength of the local responsiveness factors, the statement cannot be so easily invalidated. The most important part is that Modernization, which is the most important part of the business, was invented and introduced by Otis in Russia, the statement does seem to be at least partially true. To facilitate an enhanced perception of the possible areas that can be focused upon to increase the extent of value created, the value creation at various stages is presented in the following table. The accorded comments for each stage in resources, assets and competencies are explained thereon through a more detailed narration. Otis’s prime strength lies in its R&D capabilities. Being a part of United Technologies Company (UTC), Otis strives on its constant innovations which in fact account for a significant part of the company’s budgets. UTC has a considerable number of engineering centers spread all over the globe and the culminated know how is efficiently utilized for all major subsidiaries. As a result resources, assets as well as competencies, all are significantly value generating for the R&D stages. Particularly in case of Otis-Russia, it benefits from not only this
Monday, November 18, 2019
Any topic that includes microeconomics Term Paper
Any topic that includes microeconomics - Term Paper Example Tariffs have adverse effects on an economy. However, governments continue imposing them on investors who import commodities from foreign nations (Gregory 2000 p 16). This essay is a critique of the economic implications of tariffs. It highlights the major reasons why governments impose tariffs on imported goods, which include; protection of the emerging as well as aging and incompetent local firms from unhealthy foreign competition, to enhance sustainability of local companies through prevention of dumping effect from foreign companies which may offer their products locally at an extremely low price that leads to losses by domestic firms (Mansfield and Yohe 23). The essay also presents the negative views of tariffs in regard to promoting trade and economic growth, which have been supported by various organizations such as the WTO and Word Bank. The double impact of tariffs on the economy imposing the tariffs as well the economy on which the tariffs have been imposed is highlighted. The impact of tariffs on the prices of locally manufactured goods, changes in demand for the goods and employment in the economy imposing the tariffs has been illustrated using the United States as an example of an economy imposing tariffs on foreign products from china (Swire 2009), and the Republic of Korea which illustrates an economy that does not impose taxes on foreign products in the domestic market. The essay also indicates the invisibility of the negative impacts of tariffs on the economy compared to the projected advantages. It also indicates the areas that need further research regarding tariff imposition, whereby researchers can search for information from published sources. One of the major reasons why governments impose tariffs on imports is to enhance the development of the emerging domestic industries to attain a size that able to cope with foreign competition. In other words it is one of the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Vodafone Planning Principles in competition
Vodafone Planning Principles in competition Introduction Marketing is the core of all business. To outperform the competition requires solid marketing knowledge and precision in marketing decision making. To market companys product or service, it is necessary to get positioning, positioning of its products and services depend on the formulation and implementation of intelligent and aggressive strategic marketing plans. As this assignment requires choosing an organization which fosters strategic marketing management process; therefore, Vodafone: multi-national UK-based mobile network operating company has been picked. About Vodafone The Vodafone group is a mobile network operator headquartered in Newbury, England. They made their first phone call just minutes after midnight on the 1st of January in 1985. In 1987 it was already recognized as the largest mobile network in the world. Today it is the biggest telecommunications network provider in the world by turnover and has a market value of about one hundred billion pounds. It is a FTSE 100 company and is ranked 3rd overall just behind Royal Dutch Shell and the BP group. Vodafone currently has equity interests in twenty-five countries and has other partner networks with assets in another forty one countries. It is the second largest mobile telecom group in the world behind China Mobile and has more than ten million customers in the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Egypt and the United States. At a glance of Vodafone [1]: Type : Public Limited Company (PLC) Industry : Telecommunications Founded : 1984 Headquarters : Newbury, United Kingdom Area Served : World wide Website : [1] Task 1 1.1 Vodafone Marketing Planning Principles Vodafone market planning involves deciding on marketing strategies that will help the company attain its overall strategic objectives.  A detailed marketing plan is needed for each business, product, or brand. It has external and internal environments where plenty of strategic elements are involved. As part of marketing planning principles, macro-environmental scanning will be conducted by analyzing significant macro factors affecting the telecom industry while Porters five forces, SWOT analysis (SW-for micro environment and OT-for macro environment) will be utilized to assess the micro-environment surrounding telecom industry. Later, BCG matrix as part of Vodafone portfolio analysis technique is explained. 1.2 Vodafone Plan Development Using Analytical Tools and Techniques 1.2.1 Macro-environmental factors: To analyze the macro factors of the Vodafone Plc, PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis (OT is detailed in macro environmental issues) is described. 1) PESTEL analysis: Political factors: Regulations- Mobile phones licenses are tightly controlled and are very expensive. In some cases tight measures are implemented by the government in order to decrease mobile phone use for children because of health issues. Infrastructure- To build up an infrastructure to support the network usually requires permission from the government and other regulative bodies. Economical factors: The recession has decreased the amount of money customers are willing to spend, therefore there is a price war between leading network providers to drive down costs of calls and SMS to attract more customers. Cost of licensing-When the technology of 3G was introduced there was a bid war amongst leading companies which ended up in a high expenditure of acquiring this technology Social-cultural factors: Fashion- In some countries especially in Europe it is in fashion to have a mobile phone. The market in Europe is so big that all kind of phones are being sold here. These days in iphone by Apple has conquered most of the market and is the best seller in the UK at the moment Demographics- Mobile phones tend to be used by the younger members of society. In a country where the population is ageing, which is the trend across the EU, the demographics may shift to a more aged population who may have less use for mobile phones. Technological factors: 3G (3rd Generation)-The introduction of this technology have helped Vodafone to interact easier through their phone and they were able to offer services like the mobile internet or famous social networking sites like facebook directly accessible from the phone. It is now much easier for business customers to arrange meetings and get information directly on their handset. Vodafone also offers tailored price plans for business customers. GPS (Global Positioning System) It is now possible to get a navigation programme on the handset where supported. Instead of buying expensive navigation systems the customer can pay one off fees and use the system The technology advancement in general will help Vodafone to cope with the growing competition all over the worked and will help them increase to attract more customers through these technology developments. Environmental factors: Vodafone have established a recycling programme for phones in order to help the environment and recycle and reuse the materials used in the handset. They give incentives in terms of money to customers hand in their old phone in exchange for a new one. Legal factors: Law-There are some laws which regulates the actions of business e.g. The Sales of Goods Act 1974 stating all products must be fit for the purpose they are intended. A mobile phone must therefore work. These laws are created to regulate particular industries for example the ban on mobile phones while driving. This significantly increased the sale of headsets. 2) SWOT analysis (PART 1: OT under macro environment): Opportunities: Emerging markets offers Vodafone to introduce their unique services to that market where the market has high rate of growth. They can become a market leader as they are the biggest network provider in the world and their experience could help them to achieve that. At the moment having a mobile phone is a necessity for many people and the trend is going up that people are tending to have one or more mobile phone. This could turn out positive for Vodafone as the market tends to increase by size and volume in terms of sales. Threats: Competition could be a threat organization as more different products and services are being offered by different companies. The iphone for example introduced by o2 has significantly decreased sales of other products and services because they reserved the rights to be the only distributor of the phone in the UK. The effect of rules and regulation by the government can also be threat to Vodafone as they could ban or set price regulations. 3) Marketing Mix Vodafone uses its advantage as being a large global organization and implements differentiation and cost leadership strategy as they benefit from economies of scale. This allows them to have a competitive advantage and adding more value to their range of services to the customers compared to other competitors. The marketing mix consists of many different factors, which are grouped together into four main categories: product, place, price and promotion. Product-Vodafone offers different type of products to different type of customers and so can segment their market in this field. Since the introduction of 3g services they can offer more than just voice calls and messaging. Customers are able to access he internet and other multimedia applications on the go and can benefit from the unique quality of Vodafone. Price-They are able to offer different services for different customers like pre pay phones, pay monthly contracts and business solutions for businesses. This allows them structure their pricing method towards different needs of the customer. Place-Vodafone operates mainly through their retail stores all over the UK. There are over 300 retail outlets and they also offer their services through independent retailer like Phones4u. Promotion-Vodafone affectively operated a solid marketing structure which includes advertising poster on the street, TV campaign and also use famous celebrities like David Beckham to advertise their products. This ensures people are aware of their special offers and discounts. 1.2.2 Micro environmental factors: 1) SWOT analysis (PART 2: SW under micro-environment): Strengths: The size of the organization plays an important factor when we are speaking about their strength. Their global presence and network makes it easy for them to be more competitive even on a global scale. Vodafone is reputable company and there are famous for being the best in their field. Their brand image is very important when it comes to sales and increasing them. Standardized customer relation management is also a feature of Vodafone. The company is developing a group-wide standard in customer relation management to ensure an awareness of its customer base and their preferences in order to help the efficient sales of its new services and products. Weaknesses: Developing new technologies can turn out very expensive. If these technologies fail to succeed in the market this could end up in a huge loss which would be hard to recover from. They can not introduce new technologies where it is not possible this could be because they are facing the legal issues within that country. 2) Porters 5 forces: By using the five forces model of completion, competitor analysis network  by understanding how the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of substitutes and the competition of other firms and how they affect the company directly. Competitive Rivalry  The competition in the UK for example is very much intense and big organizations like O2, Orange and T-Mobile have a significant impact on revenues. Bargaining power of buyers  Customers have the choice of many different type of product at present time due to the high level of competition. In terms of different type of packages and different prices people tend to go for other companies and buy their product. Bargaining power of suppliers  Vodafone is one of the largest network providers in the world and therefore they are able to use the benefits of economies of scale and reduce their production costs. This allows them to increase their profit margin compared to other companies and offer better a price to value ratio to the customer. Threat of substitutes  There is a low risk of substitutes for Vodafone as they have established a good brand image. Apart from that as they benefit from economies of scale they can sell their services at the same price like their competitors. Threat of new entry  As there is no threat for other companies to enter the market because of rules and regulations and the high cost of licenses required to operate a network, Vodafone has to continue being efficient and reducing costs in order to price match their competitors. Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Buyer Competitive Rivalry (O2, Orange, 3 mobile, T-mobile) Bargaining Power of Supplier Threat of Substitution Figure 01: Porters 5 forces of Vodafone [Figure Source:] 4) BCG (Boston Consultancy Group) Matrix: Question Marks Stars Dogs Cash Cows High Market Growth Low Low Market Share High Figure 02: BCG (Boston Consultancy Group) Matrix of Vodafone  Stars  The star of their products which is the main product they offer are the monthly contracts they offer as these are very popular amongst the customers. Cash Cows  this is the product which generated revenue but is at a stage where it does not grow. The messaging services they offer generate good revenue for them and as there is no opportunity to expand as that this service is their cash cow. Dogs  This would be their analogue services as they do not really generate revenue because of too much competition. Question Mark  This product is the one with high growth potential and low market share. In this case it would be the 3g serves they offer. As there are other companies offering the same services it hard to gain a higher market share. Task 2 2.1 Strategic Marketing Options for Vodafone Marketing strategy always considers options where it can be applied. In Vodafone, the following marketing strategy options can be applied though both matrixes have got some advantages and disadvantages as well. General Electric/McKinsey (GE) Matrix: GE matrix is used mainly for market attractiveness. The examination and understanding of market attractiveness is very important in determining investment strategies in a country of operation. The advantages and disadvantages of GE matrix are given as follows: Advantages Disadvantages Thorough competitive analysis provides a basis for ranking relative strength of business units in their particular environment. Formal definition of components is not clear or simple (Johnson 1985) Analysis is difficult for outsiders to reproduce (Johnson 1985). Determinants: Industry attractiveness and business strength. The following figure shows the concept of GE Matrix. Figure 03: General Electric (GE) Matrix [Source:] Shell Directional Policy Matrix [2]: The Shell Directional Policy Matrix is another refinement upon the Boston Matrix. Along the horizontal axis are prospects for business sector profitability, and along the vertical axis is a companys competitive capability. As with the GE Business Screen the location of a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) in any cell of the matrix implies different strategic decisions. However decisions often span options and in practice the zones are an irregular shape and do not tend to be accommodated by box shapes. Instead they blend into each other. Advantages Disadvantages Considers both, international capabilities of the company and competitors capabilities. Market Position is restricted to market share.  Assumes countries have stable political, social and economic environments.  Only regulatory aspects pertaining to Shells products have been addressed. Determinants: Companys competitive capabilities and business sector prospects. The following figure shows the concept of SDP Matrix. Figure 04: Shell Directional Policy Matrix [Source:] [2] 2.2 Evaluation of Marketing Strategy Options for Vodafone Despite the shortcomings of previous studies and models, attempts at reaching an understandable model for determining international business strategy have been ongoing.  The marketing literature presents a number of models designed to guide managers in making strategic investment decisions for Vodafone Plc.  Included in that number are matrix approaches such as Shell directional policy matrix (Robinson, Hichens, and Wade 1978), and GE/McKinsey (Taylor 1976).  These models have each provided a unique contribution to the strategy process but each also has distinct disadvantages.  The advantages and disadvantages of each are, particularly; concerned for firms interested in the international market is the fact that these models do not take into consideration the international environment.  Many multinational companies still confront the problem of integrating environmental assessments into decision making in a systematic and objective manner.  The task facing them is how to translate recognition of the business situation into action. Previous models are limited in their generalizability across different types of industries and actual environments worldwide. Task 3 3.1 Current Changes in the Marketing Environment in Vodafone As Vodafone is a worldwide company and operates in over 27 different countries, this makes analyzing the external environment fairly difficult using a PEST analysis. The PEST analysis in this report is mainly directed at Vodafones UK external environment in terms of strategic marketing management policy. PEST analysis: Political Political factors can have a direct impact on the way businesses operate. Decisions made by the government affect our everyday lives and can come in the form of policy or legislation. The Governments introduction of a statutory minimum wage affects all businesses, as do consumer, Health Safety laws and so on. The current increase in global petrol prices is having a profound impact on major economies, it is estimated that  £200bn has been added to the global fuel bill since the price increases started. Another political factor is OFTEL, the telecommunications regulator in the UK whose purpose is to ensure phone companies, meet their obligations under telecoms and competition laws and regulations.  The UK government regulates this industry through OFTEL. Economical All businesses are affected by economical factors nationwide and globally. Interest rate policy and fiscal policy will have to be set accordingly. Within the UK the climate of the economy dictates how consumer may behave within society. Whether an economy is in a boom, recession or recovery will also affect consumer confidence and activities. Economies internationally also have an impact on UK businesses, cheaper labor abroad affects the competitiveness of UK products nationally and globally. An increase in interest rates in the USA will influence the share price of UK stocks. A truly global player like Vodafone has to be aware of economic conditions across all borders and ensure they employ strategies and tactics that guard their business and marketing investment. Socio-cultural: Within society forces such as family, friends, and media affect our attitude, interest and opinions. These forces shape who we are as people and the way we behave and what we ultimately purchase. The end users of wireless products are becoming increasingly aware of quality and expect a product that is reliable during use. GSM has been an unqualified success because it works, offers definite advantages over first generation and is at a price where everyone can access the technology. One problem that has been apparent over recent years is the high market exposure given to new features and technologies, which are not well proven and tested before launch. WAP was a prime example of this. A great deal of effort has been injected into WAP to make sure the early teething problems have been overcome, but the public can sometimes demonstrate memory akin to an elephant and changing opinions is a much harder marketing nut to crack. The market expectation for Bluetoothà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ and 3G has been raised considerably so now we are at a critical stage in fulfilling the advertised dream. Technological Advanced technology is changing the way businesses operate. The Internet is having a profound impact on the marketing mix strategy of organizations. Consumers can now shop 24 hours a day, comfortably from their homes. Vodafone has been using the Internet for advertising like a lot of other organizations trying to sell their business. There is renewed interest by many governments to encourage investment in research and development and to develop technology that will give their country the competitive edge. The one-stop-shop customer need, and the manufacturers success in integrating cellular, cordless and internet user applications into a single unit has meant that a wireless test company has to consider all major technologies and review each for their commercial benefits. In some instances some technology advancements will not create a profitable business in isolation. Vodafone has introduced new technology such as Vodafone Live, and now the introduction of the new 3G mobile phones means Vodafone will implement the new technology into their system to bring the service to the customer. 3.2 Analyzing Vodafones Potential Responses to the Strategic Marketing Changes 3.3 Recommendation and Conclusion
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Juvenile Justice Reform :: essays research papers
THESIS STATEMENT: The Great and General Court of Massachusetts has erred in reforming the juvenile justice system by implementing policies and procedures that will harm juveniles and place society at risk. Â Â Â Â Â On July 23, 1995, an intruder brutally attacked and stabbed Janet Downing approximately 100 times in her Somerville home. The revolting Downing murder and ensuing arrest of Edward O'Brien Jr., a 15-year-old juvenile whom prosecutors say committed the heinous crime, sent shockwaves through the state. When Somerville District Court Judge Paul P. Hefferman ruled that the Commonwealth try Mr. O'Brien as a juvenile, those shockwaves grew in intensity, and the citizens of Massachusetts, fed up with increasing youth violence and perceptions of an ineffective juvenile justice system, demanded the enactment of tough new laws to deal with repeat and violent juvenile offenders. The Great and General Court of Massachusetts headed these demands for reform of the juvenile justice system and enacted legislation that, among other things, abolishes the trial de novo system in the juvenile courts, requires the trial of juveniles charged with murder, manslaughter, aggravated rape, forcible rape of a child, kidnaping, assault with intent to rob or murder and armed burglary in adult court and permits prosecutors to open to the public juvenile proceedings when they seek an adult sentence. Although proponents tout these measures as a sagacious solution for the vexatious problem of juvenile delinquency, abolishing the trial de novo system, providing for automatic adult trials and opening juvenile proceedings to the public when prosecutors seek an adult sentence works to the detriment, not the benefit, of juveniles and society. Therefore, the policy makers of Massachusetts should repeal most sections of the Juvenile Justice Reform Act and develop other policies to deal with the rising problem of juvenile crime. I. A SINGLE TRIAL SYSTEM PREVENTS COURTS FROM PROVIDING RAPID ASSISTANCE TO JUVENILES IN NEED, DOES LITTLE TO SERVE JUDICIAL ECONOMY AND PLACES A SIMILAR BURDEN AS THE DE NOVO SYSTEM ON VICTIMS AND WITNESSES. Â Â Â Â Â Proponents of a single trial system for juveniles argue that the trial de novo system wastes judicial resources by giving defendants a second bite at the apple and traumatizes victims and witnesses by forcing them to testify at two proceedings. However, these proponents fail to acknowledge that the de novo system allows judges to quickly provide juveniles with the rehabilitative help they need. The proponents, unsurprisingly, also fail to acknowledge that a single trial system may place a greater burden on judicial resources and a similar burden on victims and witnesses. Â Â Â Â Â The de novo system benefits juveniles by encouraging bench trials, which frequently result in the swift administration of rehabilitative
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Man’s Impact on the Environment Essay
Pollution is the presence or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects. It is created mostly by human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution has a detrimental effect on every living organism in the environment, making it increasingly unsustainable for living organisms in the environment. to sustain life. Pollution harms the Earth’s environment and its inhabitants in many ways. The three main types of pollution are: Land Pollution, Air Pollution and Water Pollution. Read more: Bad Effects of Various Festivals on the Environment Land Pollution Land pollution is the degradation of Earth’s land surfaces often caused by human activities (industrial, commercial, domestic and agricultural) and their misuse of land resources. Land pollution is caused by the following:- †¢Chemical and nuclear plants †¢Industrial factories †¢Oil refineries †¢Human sewage †¢Oil †¢Mining †¢Littering †¢Overcrowded landfills †¢Deforestation †¢Construction debris †¢Non – biodegradable waste †¢Insecticides and Herbicides Chemical and Nuclear Plants Chemical and nuclear power plants produce waste materials. Some end up in landfills and other less safe storage facilities. Some leak, causing contamination of soil for hundreds of years before it is safe to grow crops on them again. Non – Biodegradable Waste Examples of these include: Mercury and Led. Harmful substances accumulate on the land and in turn become detrimental to the health of organisms not only on land, but animals in the air and in water. Insecticides and Biodegradable Most commonly used in the Agriculture Industry. These artificial methods of ridding plants and animals of pests and insects accumulate in organisms through the food chain which sometimes causes a death in the top consumers which further results in a destruction of the food chains and mutations.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Essay Example
The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Essay Example The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Paper The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Paper Essay Topic: Merchant Of Venice Play I consider The Merchant of Venice as a comedy with tragic possibilities mostly due to the melancholy ending which leaves the reader thinking whether what happened during the play could be considered morally good or not. Aristotle produced the first ideas about what a tragic and comic play were. Shakespeare altered this slightly but the Shakespearean model is still pretty much identical. I would define a comedy as everything a tragedy is not. In a tragedy all of the main action happens in one day and in that day there must be a revolution. Most of the time, the main character, or the tragic hero, is of noble birth or of high status so that when they die, which they most likely will, they fall far. This makes us feel sympathetic to the character. This happens as we let ourselves go through a, willing suspension of belief during the play, which makes us basically get emotionally involved in the play even though we know that the play is not real. A tragic play, because of this willing suspension of belief, excites the emotions of pity and fear. Pity is a synonym of sympathy and fear is felt due to the fact that we wonder what it would be like for us to be in that position and we are fearful of it. Catharsis, an idea of Aristotle which the audience feel they are watching the play. It is like a cleansing process as it teaches you not to become a murderer and so forth. It makes you into a better person. Whilst reading the merchant of Venice I felt Sympathy for Shylock and fear arose when Antonio was about to die. The play told me not to be criticising of others because of there beliefs. The Merchant of Venice consequently has the characteristics of a tragedy. A comedy is therefore is a play in which the main character, the comic hero, prospers. The evil character therefore gets what is coming to him and usually dies. This was seen as a waste of time by Aristotle and I agree as in the end everyone is happy and there is no revolution. Pity and fear are not felt, and in its place is happiness. This means that there is not as much point in the play as things work out. When things dont work out we feel sympathy and we learn a lesson. This is the Catharsis which makes us a better person. Even though you may have Catharsis experienced in a comedy due to the fact that it tells you not to be the like the bad character, the catharsis from watching a tragic play is much greater. This is because we feel more intense emotions and it gets the audience thinking more about the issues in the play, whether they are social, cultural, legal, moral etc. The play has the basic layout of a comedy because you could say there is a comic villain, and a comic hero throughout the play but tragedy also comes into it as if you feel sympathy for Shylock he is the tragic hero. The comic characters in this play are Launcelot Gobbo and Old Gobbo. The Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon can be seen as comic characters also for their extravagance and arrogance. The Prince of Morocco says he would Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth which is a very overconfident thing to say. In Act 2, Scene 2, Launcelot, referred to as the clown and Old Gobbo, his father, interact in a comic way. Due to the fact that Old Gobbo is blind and easy to fool Launcelot plays around with him and tricks him into thinking his son is dead even though he is talking about himself and is obviously not. Then when he tries to convince his father he is not dead, being the dim old man he is he says to Launcelot that he is sure you are not Launcelot my boy. This comic interaction continues but these characters are very minor, especially Old Gobbo as he does not appear at any other time unlike Launcelot who appears several times. However these are the most clearly comic characters as one is called a clown and one is very old and gullible. They may have been placed in the story to give the other characters some time to change, but mainly they are there to provide the audience with some comic relief. Launcelot would have been used to show that Shylock is a dull and unkind man as he leaves Shylock without a servant and becomes the servant of Bassanio who is portrayed as much kinder and interesting person. These comic characters would be used in a comedy. With these characters the play becomes much more light hearted and comic for the audience, creating a happy feeling of the play. The Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon are also minor roles in the play. There are comic as they are seen as big-headed and very flamboyant as they say things like did I deserve no more than a fools head. This is when Arragon is trying to seem incredibly intelligent above others as he mocks a man who would go for the golden casket and comically for the audience it was Morocco who would went for the Golden casket. Morocco is very proud and believes he is very worthy of Portia because of how noble and rich he is. Arragon is slightly wiser yet still quite proud and also tries to impress Portia, but with words, not his reputation. These characters are comic but still have a role to play. They have to be the characters who try the casket game and fail. This leaves the reader or audience with the knowledge of which casket is the right one and makes it more exciting when Bassanio chooses the right casket. A comedy would include these characters as they bring a comic feel to the play due to their comically high opinions of themselves. To me there is only one clearly comic scene in the play as there are others which are partially comic but have serious issues displayed as well. For instance, the scenes with Morocco and Arragon fit this description as they are comic because of the way in which the Princes are very exaggerated, ostentatious and adoring of themselves. Morocco says that his reputation hath feared the valiant. However they also talk about important issues like racial issues when Morocco says to Portia not to immediately dislike him because of his complexion. They both talk in a very passionate and heartfelt way showing that they are there not purely for comic reasons. The clearly comic scene in the play is Act 2 Scene 2 as this is the scene with Launcelot Gobbo and Old Gobbo. As I said before Launcelot jokes with his father and tricks him as he is very easy to fool. Launcelot fools Old Gobbo into thinking that he is not Launcelot and that the Launcelot he speaks of has gone to heaven. Launcelot then tries to convince his father that he is really his son but Old Gobbo is not convinced until Launcelot mentions Margaret which is his mothers name. This interaction is all very light hearted and insignificant to the play but its function is to provide some comic relief for the audience and maybe give some time to the other actors to get changed and practice their lines and so forth. Also this kind of scene would be used in a comedy as I said before to make the play more light hearted, happy, and enjoyable. Shylock is a Jew and is therefore a minority in Venice. He is criticised for this and prejudices are formed against him about him being a bad man for being a Jew. He is put down by always being referred to as the Jew which would be very angering. During the play we feel mixed emotions towards Shylock. With the knowledge of what has happened to the Jews during the centuries we feel sympathetic to a greater extent towards him. However does he deserve this sympathy? Does he have the right to feel unhappy because he has been mistreated for being a Jew or is he really just a bad man who is deserving of these prejudices? When Antonio first meets Shylock we dont know whether or not to feel sympathetic towards him as he passionately speaks about how he is mistreated but he also backs up the reason for this treatment as he gives us a reason to believe he is tricking Antonio due to his incredibly kind jester of lending money to him without any interest at all, just the right to his flesh if he fails to pay him back in time. We are backed up about this view as Bassanio says that Shylock has a villains mind. When it comes to the court case, Shylock has had his daughter and his money taken away from him by a Christian, and his servant taken away from him by another Christian. He feels as if everyone he knows has turned on him and out of emotion he is desperate to kill Antonio by taking his flesh. Is he right to do such an awful deed because of how badly he feels, or is it unthinkable of a man who has had everything taken from him by Christians to take a Christians life. This has even signed a contract, and agreed to his own death if he does not pay it back, and then he doesnt? We are not sure whether or not he is a comic villain or a tragic hero which makes the classification of the Merchant of Venice as a comedy or tragedy harder. This helps the view that the Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities. It is up to the reader whether or not Shylock is a comic villain or a tragic hero. Most would portray him as a comic villain and there is a lot of evidence to agree with that. When considering Shylock as the comic villain, the comic hero must be Bassanio. People leave Shylock for Bassanio or other Christians including his servant, Launcelot, and his daughter, Jessica. Shylock must be an evil man if people despise him enough to leave him and call his house a house of hell, like Jessica did in Act 2 Scene 3. Ever since the start we have seen him as a cunning and devious person. We thought that somehow he must have an ulterior motive if he is lending Antonio a large sum of money without any interest, and taking a pound of mans flesh if it is not paid back. Even though his gesture this time is one interest free, Shylock is a very money greedy man. He makes money from others misfortunes as he is a money lender and he hates Antonio because he lends money interest free. His reason for this is a greedy one as he feels that he loses money if people lend money from Antonio and not from him. He values his money more than his daughter after she runs away with his Ducats. He cries My Daughter, O my Ducats, My Daughter which shows that he loves them both equally until he says he I would have her at my feet with the Ducats and Jewels in her ears. This tells us that he would have his own daughter dead if he could have his money back. He is not a merciful man as when asked to show mercy he doesnt and he uses Justice as a loophole for the right to kill Antonio legally. Shylocks evil, devious, greedy, sinister and merciless characteristics cause the reader to believe that he is a comic villain. Being a comic villain would make the play more a comedy than a tragedy and there would then need to be a comic hero, Bassanio. Maybe the reason why everyone hates Shylock is not because he is an awful man, but because he is a Jew. I believe that it is a spiral of hatred as Shylock feels he must be mean to others as he has been a victim of anti-Semitic behaviour, and more anti-Semitic become the Christians when Shylock is mean to them. Being fair to Shylock, in those days, being a money lender was all Jews could do at the time. This is because Jews were not allowed to do more respectful jobs and money lending is all that they could do to earn money. Shylock also is ganged up upon by most of the characters in the play and has everything of value taken from him. These include his Daughter, who leaves him for a Christian, and his money, which he has rightfully earned as he doesnt force people to lend from him. Also Launcelot has left Shylock to be the servant of Bassanio instead and Shylock is left with no one as his wife is deceased. You could call the Christians the evil ones as they are prejudice against Shylock and steal all things of value from him. If people have taken all of value from you, do you not deserve to feel hatred for them? Shylock does feel hatred towards the people who are against him and uses Antonio as a way to exact his revenge. No matter how sinister it is, he is made to feel like this by the people who in the courtroom case beg for his mercy. Could we see him therefore as a tragic hero? If he was a tragic hero then there would need to be a tragic villain, but who would this be? It would be a tragedy if there was a tragic hero and villain but as there is not, the Merchant of Venice can only have tragic possibilities. The end of the play is very melancholy. The resolution that should happen in the play for a comedy is that Shylock, the evil man in the play gets his just deserts when he is deserted by his daughter and loses the court case and with it all his remaining money. Also Jessica is now happy with Lorenzo, Portia is happy with Bassanio, Gratiano is happy with Nerissa, Launcelot is happy serving his new master and Antonio lives and becomes amazingly rich. Then again is this really the case? Shylock is a beaten, devastated man who even though he wanted to kill Antonio had a motive that the Jewish people would be happy for this revenge to take place. He ends up losing all his money, his daughter, his pride, his house and any friends he might have had because of this and there is still prejudice against him. Being a Christian person the others must feel some form of guilt towards Shylock for him being such a broken man. Jessica must feel sad for stealing Shylocks money and deserting him and her faith and siding with the Christians against him. Lorenzo doesnt understand why she might feel like this and that couple end up unhappy. Portia knows that Bassanio has given his ring away for Antonio, and that Antonio loves Bassanio. Consequently that relationship is quite awkward and unhappy. Nerrisa is also unhappy with Gratiano as he has given the ring away, and Antonio, even though he is rich again, is lonely, still loves Bassanio and is jealous of Portia. Thus nobody in the end is really happy. The Jews are still put down by the Christians and the other characters are unhappy with each other and unhappy about what they have done to Shylock. What should have been a comedy has turned out to be a comedy with tragic possibilities. So in conclusion is the merchant of Venice a tragedy or a comedy? I would agree with the view that the merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities. It depends on whether or not you think of Shylock as a comic villain or a tragic hero. I would see Shylock as a comic villain in the play as he hates the Christians and in the end tries to kill one. Then again there is more to this as Shylocks hateful emotions towards the Christians has been a result of immense prejudice against him. The Christians stole his servant, his daughter, and with her his money and pride. After the court case, and his harsh punishment we cannot help but feel sympathetic towards Shylock. Even the characters that had hated him throughout the play now feel guilt and sympathy. Most of which comes from Jessica, who has deserted her father, stolen his money and sided against him. Therefore we could see Shylock as a tragic hero in some respects. The main feel of the play however is a comic one even if there are blatant elements of a tragedy involved in the play. For that reason I will conclude by saying that The Merchant of Venice in my eyes is indeed a comedy with tragic possibilities.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Chrome vs. Chromium - Chemistry FAQ
Chrome vs. Chromium - Chemistry FAQ Have you ever wondered what the difference is between chrome and chromium? Chromium is an element. It is a hard, corrosion-resistant transition metal. Chrome, which you may see as decorative trim on cars and motorcycles or to harden tools used for industrial processes, is an electroplated layer of chromium over another metal. Either hexavalent chromium or trivalent chromium may be used to produce chrome. The electroplating chemicals for both processes are toxic and regulated in many countries. Hexavalent chromium is extremely toxic, so trivalent chrome or tri-chrome tends to be more popular for modern applications. In 2007 hexa-chrome was banned for use on automobiles in Europe. Some chrome for industrial uses remains hexa-chrome because the corrosion resistance of hexa-chrome plating tends to exceed that of tri-chrome plating. Its interesting to note that prior to the 1920s the decorating plating on automobiles was nickel and not chrome. Key Takeaways: Chrome vs Chromium Chrome and chromium are not the same substances, although they are related to each other.Chromium is element number 24 on the periodic table. It is a transition metal.Chrome is the name given to chromium when it is electroplated over another metal. It often contains chromium oxide, which protects the underlying metal from corrosion.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Sherwood Elementary School Assessment and Diagnosis Research Paper
Sherwood Elementary School Assessment and Diagnosis - Research Paper Example This school enrolls students from pre-kindergarten to 8th grade. 2012 -2013 data shows that Sherwood elementary school’s largest demographic is black. This is 96.7% of the student population. There are other races which are; Hispanics, whites, Asians, Native Americans and others. This group is composed of 3.3% of the student population. The second largest demographic is the Hispanics which is 2% of the student population. Still as of 2012-2013, the number of students enrolled in the school was 301. From this number, 15.6% were special education students, and 97% were low income students (Chicago Public Schools, 2013). According to the Local School Directory and USA School Info, however, the total number of students enrolled as at 2013 is 408 and 386 respectively. USA School Info’s data shows that the male population is slightly higher than the female population. That is, 200 and 186 females. Local School Directory’s data shows that the school has 204 males and 20 4 females. The Local School Directory and USA School Info, also have different statistics about racial groups attending Sherwood elementary school. According to USA School Info, races are divided into Hispanic, black and other races. (which are two or three). The black constitute 96% of the total student population, the Hispanic constitutes 2%, and other races also constitute 2% of the total population (2013). Local School Directory’s statistics shows that there are only blacks and Hispanics as at 2013. The black constitute 99%, while Hispanics constitute 1% of the total student population (2013). Secondary Data Collection Based on the above information, it is important to focus on health problems affecting low income groups in Chicago, as well as those associated with black people, and Hispanics. One of the major health problems affecting Hispanics and black children in Chicago is obesity. This is as revealed by the Chicago public-health department report. Lowest rates are o bserved in Asian and white communities. During the 2010-2011 school years, 42% of black students, and 44% of Hispanics were obese. This is in contrast to 3% and 9% Asian and White students found to be obese respectively. Schneider also indicates that obesity is related to income. Obesity decreases with increase in income (2013). This means that low income students are most likely to have obesity. The statistics shown above indicates that 97% of Sherwood Elementary School’s total students are of low income. This shows the high likelihood of occurrence of obesity, or high likelihood of its existence as the main health problem. Obesity is a primary problem with other associated problems such as drug use, homicide, housing and drop-outs (Schneider, 2013). The Children's Defense Fund (2012) also notes that obesity is prevalent among black children with 1 in 4, of children aged 6 to 17 being obese. The black children are also at higher risk of being overweight. Black teenage girls of 12-19 years are at 40% risk of being overweight. Being obese is one health problem, but there are other health problems associated with obesity. Children with obesity are at high risk of getting bone and joint
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ethics Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics Case Analysis - Essay Example Question 2. The physician also should never have spoken to Annie about the seriousness of her illness. This is because withholding the truth about the seriousness of Annie’s condition by the physician did more good to Annie and her family, more than revealing the whole truth to her. This is because, had Ann known that she was about to die, she would become distressed and make her family also distressed. The main ethical dilemma in this case is to make the choice of either or not to reveal to Annie the seriousness of her illness. Revealing the truth to Annie would have meant that the physicians and the Annie’s husband have acted in the honest way by telling Annie the truth; the main disadvantage of telling Annie the truth, however, was that Annie would become emotionally and psychologically disturbed, thus becoming distressed and making her family also distressed. Withholding the truth, on the other hand, would have meant that the physicians and Annie’s husband have acted in the best interests of Annie and her family because Annie would remain hopeful throughout the short period remaining in her life; withholding the truth from Annie, however, would mean that the physicians and Annie’s husband lied to Annie, thus acting in a dishonest way towards Annie. Making a choice between these two options is a real dilemma because each of the options has both positive and negative consequences. The main reason why I am of the view that the Physicians should never have revealed the truth to Annie about the seriousness of her illness is that the physicians are not under any obligation to reveal the whole truth to their patients. This view is supported by Sokol when he argues that, physicians have no moral obligation to tell their patients the whole truth about their condition (2002). For that reason, therefore, the physician acted in the morally right way by not disclosing to Annie about the seriousness of her illness. Secondly,
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