Monday, November 4, 2019

Sherwood Elementary School Assessment and Diagnosis Research Paper

Sherwood Elementary School Assessment and Diagnosis - Research Paper Example This school enrolls students from pre-kindergarten to 8th grade. 2012 -2013 data shows that Sherwood elementary school’s largest demographic is black. This is 96.7% of the student population. There are other races which are; Hispanics, whites, Asians, Native Americans and others. This group is composed of 3.3% of the student population. The second largest demographic is the Hispanics which is 2% of the student population. Still as of 2012-2013, the number of students enrolled in the school was 301. From this number, 15.6% were special education students, and 97% were low income students (Chicago Public Schools, 2013). According to the Local School Directory and USA School Info, however, the total number of students enrolled as at 2013 is 408 and 386 respectively. USA School Info’s data shows that the male population is slightly higher than the female population. That is, 200 and 186 females. Local School Directory’s data shows that the school has 204 males and 20 4 females. The Local School Directory and USA School Info, also have different statistics about racial groups attending Sherwood elementary school. According to USA School Info, races are divided into Hispanic, black and other races. (which are two or three). The black constitute 96% of the total student population, the Hispanic constitutes 2%, and other races also constitute 2% of the total population (2013). Local School Directory’s statistics shows that there are only blacks and Hispanics as at 2013. The black constitute 99%, while Hispanics constitute 1% of the total student population (2013). Secondary Data Collection Based on the above information, it is important to focus on health problems affecting low income groups in Chicago, as well as those associated with black people, and Hispanics. One of the major health problems affecting Hispanics and black children in Chicago is obesity. This is as revealed by the Chicago public-health department report. Lowest rates are o bserved in Asian and white communities. During the 2010-2011 school years, 42% of black students, and 44% of Hispanics were obese. This is in contrast to 3% and 9% Asian and White students found to be obese respectively. Schneider also indicates that obesity is related to income. Obesity decreases with increase in income (2013). This means that low income students are most likely to have obesity. The statistics shown above indicates that 97% of Sherwood Elementary School’s total students are of low income. This shows the high likelihood of occurrence of obesity, or high likelihood of its existence as the main health problem. Obesity is a primary problem with other associated problems such as drug use, homicide, housing and drop-outs (Schneider, 2013). The Children's Defense Fund (2012) also notes that obesity is prevalent among black children with 1 in 4, of children aged 6 to 17 being obese. The black children are also at higher risk of being overweight. Black teenage girls of 12-19 years are at 40% risk of being overweight. Being obese is one health problem, but there are other health problems associated with obesity. Children with obesity are at high risk of getting bone and joint

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