Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ireland UK It British Journal Of Psychiatry -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Ireland UK It British Journal Of Psychiatry? Answer: Introducation This relates to legal and ethical issues that relate to your work environment at the youth centre. As it is with any new role, it is important to familiarise yourself with policies and procedures up front so you know what to do if a critical incident occurs. Write down at least three issues you need to respond to immediately, in order of priority. Priority 1. Calm Marcus down and get his suicidal thoughts in control. Priority 2. Arrange help for Julie so that she can overcome her auditing. Priority 3. Arrange cheaper house under homelessness Act. List two people (include their roles) at the youth centre you could ask help from in order to provide immediate support to Marcus. Head Counsellor- to provide counselling to people suffering from emotional and psychological imbalances. Housing consultant- to counsel people with cheaper housing options and save homelessness Using all of the information in the scenario complete the risk-assessment in Appendix 1. Page 10. Make sure that the information is clear, accurate and written in a comprehensive manner. (Such changes often are related to recent loss or threat of loss of significant others or of positive status and operations. They also may stem from sexual, physical, or substance abuse. Negative feelings and thoughts often are expressions of a sense of extreme loss, abandonment, failure, sadness, hopelessness, guilt, and sometimes inwardly directed anger). Is there a lack of a significant other to help the young person survive? Does the young person feel alienated? History Of Risk-Taking Behavior Does the young person take life-threatening risks or display poor impulse control? Use this checklist as an exploratory guide with the young person about whom you are concerned. Each yes raises the level of risk, but there is no single score indicating high risk. A history of suicide attempts, of course, is a sufficient reason for action. High risk also is associated with very detailed plans (when, where, how) that specify a lethal and readily available method, a specific time, and a location where it is unlikely the act would be disrupted. Further high risk indicators include the young person having made final arrangements and information about a critical, recent loss. Because of the informal nature of this type assessment, it should not be filed as part of a young persons regular school records. Once a risk assessment is completed what would be the appropriate action (next steps) to take to help prevent an escalation of Marcus and Julies issues? Julie shall have to make to quit her addiction, for which Marcus shall have to understand the plan of action to be followed. Once she is in a controlled environment, Marcus can helped to focus on himself and his studies. Another task is to help them with a cheaper home with help of other organizations providing homeless people cheapest possible houses. Marcus shall also be helped with a part time job to arrange for daily necessities(McGorry, Bates and Birchwood 2013). How do the following legal and ethical considerations relate to your work role? Please note that you will need to identify the name of the legislation that applies to your state/territory and source the information that you have found (e.g. website link, chapter of a textbook). You can review the Academic Referencing Guide in your student handbook. Name of the legislation (state specific) Your responsibilities in the workplace Source (e.g. link, chapter of a textbook) Child Protection Act 1999.To ensure that the child gets healthy environment to grow and his family supports him. Queensland Government, 2017. Child protection legislation. [online] Child Safety Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (Queensland Government). Available at: Who would you report this to? This issue shall be reported to the head counsellor and Youth Protection Officer. Mandatory reporting Child Protection Act 1999. To ensure that the mandatory reporters including me and school personnel, timely identify and report any vulnerable case. Queensland Government, 2017. Mandatory reporting. [online] Child Safety Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (Queensland Government). Available at: Who would you report this to? This issue shall be reported to the Youth Protection Officer. Duty of Care Youth Justice Act 1992 To ensure the proper disposition of my duties as a mentor, reporting timely to my seniors and helping the client to best of my abilities. Queensland Government, 2017. View - Queensland Legislation - Queensland Government. [online] Available at: Who would you report this to? This shall be reported to My Senior Mentor and Supervisor. What is your role within the context of delivering services to those experiencing or are at risk of homelessness? My role is to evaluate the safety of the people experiencing homelessness and make appropriate referrals for them to ensure they meet their safety requirements. I shall refer them to appropriate people in the organization to provide them direct help and also counsel them to keep positive approach towards the problem. I shall support them in case of any discrimination and help them address issue at higher levels (Parsell, Jones and Head 2012). What are the housing options for Marcus and Julie? Identify at least three options. Supported accommodation is a short-term option that can help Marcus and his mother to get back onto his feet. Independent living option shall help Marcus and his mother owning his home. Supervised group housing shall allow Marcus and his mother with his daily needs, living skills, and paying bills. List two services that you can contact and liaise with to help Marcus and Julie with their various issues. The two services which can be contacted and liaised with to help Marcus and Julie are Homelessness Australia and Brisbane Youth Service. These two work on the same issues which are faced by the two of them (Homelessness Australia, 2017). The services provided by them includes help to young parents, young women, advocacy, management relief in the time of crisis, health services either free of cost or at very minimal charges and housing facilities. These facilities shall help Marcus and Julie deal with their issues and get a better life (Brisbane Youth Service, 2017). What is the role of the youth centre as an organisation within the context of the housing sector? As an organization, the youth centre acts as an intermediary between various housing service providers and the people facing issues of homelessness. The youth centre can plan the housing of various unprivileged people and help construct a community which can help themselves with the minimum help from service providers in the community. Further, the centre can maintain a pool of housing service providers and help the people who need such service in planning of the service they shall avail(Parsell, Jones and Head 2012). Describe three case management activities that would be required to help Marcus and Julie. Be aware of your own personal values and attitudes when planning and implementing those activities. Provide counselling to both - this shall enable them evaluate their current scenario and plan their future accordingly. Both shall revive their faith on life. Marcus wants to commit suicide, while Julie sees no hope in her life and has thus succumbed to drinking alcohol. Counselling shall help Marcus develop positive attitude towards his problems. On the other hand, Julie shall be convinced to come out of her grief of the past and focus on her childs and her future. Plan rehabilitation for Julie Rehabilitation facility would help Julie overcome her alcohol addiction. It shall be combined with regular counselling and other therapy sessions to make sure that she is improving and getting back to her normal self gradually. It shall also make her overcome the years of abuse faced by her. She shall also be motivated to work and sustain her family to earn a better life. Plan school and part time job management for Marcus Marcus has not been attending school frequently. Despite being good at his subjects, he has not been performing well. To overcome this, the teachers shall focus on him for a time being. Along with his studies, Marcus shall also work part time to earn his daily bread till Julie is recovering from her addictions. With Julie doing well in her treatment, Marcus shall be able to focus on his life and career better(McGorry, Bates and Birchwood 2013). References Brisbane Youth Service, 2017. Brisbane Youth Service | Helping Homeless and At-Risk Youth. [online] Brisbane Youth Service. Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2017]. Homelessness Australia, 2017. About us | Homelessness Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2017]. McGorry, P., Bates, T. and Birchwood, M., 2013. Designing youth mental health services for the 21st century: examples from Australia, Ireland and the UK. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 202(s54), pp.s30-s35. Parsell, C., Jones, A. and Head, B., 2012. Policies and programmes to end homelessness in Australia: Learning from international practice. International Journal of Social Welfare, 22(2), pp.186-194. Queensland Government, 2017. Child protection legislation. [online] Child Safety Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety business Disability Services (Queensland Government). Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2017]. Queensland Government, 2017. Mandatory reporting. [online] Child Safety Services, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (Queensland Government). Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2017]. Queensland Government, 2017. View - Queensland Legislation - Queensland Government. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2017].

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