Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Genetic Testing Controversy Essay - 2003 Words
A lot of controversial issues present themselves in psychology. Two topics that I will be discussing in this essay are the controversy over genetic testing and what things would be like without genetic testing. I will be describing what genetic testing is, and how it can affect an individual’s family life. I will be discussing the benefits of genetic counseling, as well as the positives without genetic counseling, and how this issue is debated in a psychological view. Genetic testing, can affect a person’s life in many ways. Genetic testing is a type of medical testing that identifies changes that occur in chromosomes, proteins, and genes. These changes that occur can be associated, and often are associated with inherited†¦show more content†¦As her husband was fighting in the war, there were troubles that this wife had to face with their child. She did genetic testing on her daughter to find out that her daughter happened to be diagnosed with Rett syndrome. Re tt syndrome is a neurodevelopmental problem that occurs in the nervous system (Tarquinio). The wife stated â€Å"I think as a military spouse you learn to adjust easily and expect that your life might change at any given moment, but nothing can prepare you to learn that the change in life is coming from your child.†Since the wife was able to know that her daughter was diagnosed with the syndrome, she was able to do research to help with what she needs to do (Steveton). This goes back to family planning and how genetic testing can be beneficial for families. Not only are there benefits with genetic testing, but there are benefits by not going through genetic testing. Genetic testing can be costly, and therefore will be less expensive by not following through with the tests. Genetic testing is usually not covered by insurance; therefore, many families would have to decide if the costly payments are worth their budget. More than one test may have to be used to detect if there i s a disease taking course. Back to the military wife, two of her daughter Riley’s tests came back negative. At first, her daughter was diagnosed with developmental delays. Not only did she go through doing genetic testing, but she also did an MRI. Both of these tests didn’tShow MoreRelatedGenetic Testing And The Human Genome Project1429 Words  | 6 Pagessignificant scientific findings to the world, but raises a lot of controversies. Many of these controversies concern the application of this new scientific finding and its ethicality. Genetic information from a project, once aimed towards mapping the human genome in hope for curing diseases, are now being used in businesses. 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