Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Role Of Social Media On The Children Of The 21st Century

As more immigrants flocked to America, they brought their original cultures with them and refused to conform to the popular cultures held by Americans. By keeping their traditions alive, they turned America into the melting pot of cultures we see today. The new generation, known as â€Å"millennials†, are surrounded by different cultures and religions. The millennials engage in cultural appropriation unknowingly; by being exposed to the different cultures through media, music and even fashion. In my research, I found some authors who speak about cultural appropriation and the newer generations overlapping. Newer generations, however, often feel they deserve everything and owe nothing. Most don’t see cultural appropriation as being a â€Å"bad thing† because most don’t even know what it truly means. Social media has been a big influence on the children of the 21st century. As Donna Alvermann goes into more detail in her article, â€Å"Media, Information Communication Technologies, and Youth Literacies†, she gives a few examples on how people use social media in their day to day lives â€Å"the Internet, instant messaging, and e-mail—to communicate with their peers and relatives, to stay current in what matters to them, to shop, to relax, to create personal Web pages, and yes, to complete homework assignments, among other things† (Alvermann, 78). In those few examples, she covers how people stay in touch and use the internet for what accommodate their needs. Most millennials now a day don’t knowShow MoreRelatedTeacher s Role Of 21st Century : Personal Debate - Module / Week 51385 Words   |  6 PagesTeacher’s Role in 21st Century: Personal Debate - Module/Week 5 The purpose of this paper is to fulfill the assignment objectives by clarifying the characteristics of a 21st century teacher, and considering them against the characteristics of the â€Å"traditional† teacher. The writing will the work to evaluate whether the role of teachers in the 21st century is changing and if so, whether â€Å"traditional† teachers versus those considered to be equipped with 21st century skills are going to be more or lessRead MoreClassroom Is Not The Classroom Of Yesterday1050 Words   |  5 PagesPartnerships for 21st century learning developed an education framework with teachers, educational and business leaders that provides a list of skills students need to succeed in work, life and social community. 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